Chat Memory
Multi-turn conversations require memory management to maintain context while avoiding overwhelming the LLM.
1. Naive Approach: Full History
Sending the full chat history may overwhelm LLMs.
class ChatNode(Node):
def prep(self, shared):
if "history" not in shared:
shared["history"] = []
user_input = input("You: ")
return shared["history"], user_input
def exec(self, inputs):
history, user_input = inputs
messages = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant"}]
for h in history:
messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input})
response = call_llm(messages)
return response
def post(self, shared, prep_res, exec_res):
shared["history"].append({"role": "user", "content": prep_res[1]})
shared["history"].append({"role": "assistant", "content": exec_res})
return "continue"
chat = ChatNode()
chat - "continue" >> chat
flow = Flow(start=chat)
2. Improved Memory Management
We can:
- Limit the chat history to the most recent 4.
- Use vector search to retrieve relevant exchanges beyond the last 4.
# Node A: Retrieve user input & relevant messages
class ChatRetrieve(Node):
def prep(self, s):
s.setdefault("history", [])
s.setdefault("memory_index", None)
user_input = input("You: ")
return user_input
def exec(self, user_input):
emb = get_embedding(user_input)
relevant = []
if len(shared["history"]) > 8 and shared["memory_index"]:
idx, _ = search_index(shared["memory_index"], emb, top_k=2)
relevant = [shared["history"][i[0]] for i in idx]
return (user_input, relevant)
def post(self, s, p, r):
user_input, relevant = r
s["user_input"] = user_input
s["relevant"] = relevant
return "continue"
# Node B: Call LLM, update history + index
class ChatReply(Node):
def prep(self, s):
user_input = s["user_input"]
recent = s["history"][-8:]
relevant = s.get("relevant", [])
return user_input, recent, relevant
def exec(self, inputs):
user_input, recent, relevant = inputs
msgs = [{"role":"system","content":"You are a helpful assistant."}]
if relevant:
msgs.append({"role":"system","content":f"Relevant: {relevant}"})
ans = call_llm(msgs)
return ans
def post(self, s, pre, ans):
user_input, _, _ = pre
# Manage memory index
if len(s["history"]) == 8:
embs = []
for i in range(0, 8, 2):
text = s["history"][i]["content"] + " " + s["history"][i+1]["content"]
s["memory_index"] = create_index(embs)
elif len(s["history"]) > 8:
text = s["history"][-2]["content"] + " " + s["history"][-1]["content"]
new_emb = np.array([get_embedding(text)]).astype('float32')
print(f"Assistant: {ans}")
return "continue"
# Flow wiring
retrieve = ChatRetrieve()
reply = ChatReply()
retrieve - "continue" >> reply
reply - "continue" >> retrieve
flow = Flow(start=retrieve)
shared = {}