(Advanced) Multi-Agents

Multiple Agents can work together by handling subtasks and communicating the progress. Communication between agents is typically implemented using message queues in shared storage.

Most of time, you don’t need Multi-Agents. Start with a simple solution first.

Example Agent Communication: Message Queue

Here’s a simple example showing how to implement agent communication using asyncio.Queue. The agent listens for messages, processes them, and continues listening:

class AgentNode(AsyncNode):
    async def prep_async(self, _):
        message_queue = self.params["messages"]
        message = await message_queue.get()
        print(f"Agent received: {message}")
        return message

# Create node and flow
agent = AgentNode()
agent >> agent  # connect to self
flow = AsyncFlow(start=agent)

# Create heartbeat sender
async def send_system_messages(message_queue):
    counter = 0
    messages = [
        "System status: all systems operational",
        "Memory usage: normal",
        "Network connectivity: stable",
        "Processing load: optimal"
    while True:
        message = f"{messages[counter % len(messages)]} | timestamp_{counter}"
        await message_queue.put(message)
        counter += 1
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def main():
    message_queue = asyncio.Queue()
    shared = {}
    flow.set_params({"messages": message_queue})
    # Run both coroutines
    await asyncio.gather(

The output:

Agent received: System status: all systems operational | timestamp_0
Agent received: Memory usage: normal | timestamp_1
Agent received: Network connectivity: stable | timestamp_2
Agent received: Processing load: optimal | timestamp_3

Interactive Multi-Agent Example: Taboo Game

Here’s a more complex example where two agents play the word-guessing game Taboo. One agent provides hints while avoiding forbidden words, and another agent tries to guess the target word:

class AsyncHinter(AsyncNode):
    async def prep_async(self, shared):
        guess = await shared["hinter_queue"].get()
        if guess == "GAME_OVER":
            return None
        return shared["target_word"], shared["forbidden_words"], shared.get("past_guesses", [])

    async def exec_async(self, inputs):
        if inputs is None:
            return None
        target, forbidden, past_guesses = inputs
        prompt = f"Generate hint for '{target}'\nForbidden words: {forbidden}"
        if past_guesses:
            prompt += f"\nPrevious wrong guesses: {past_guesses}\nMake hint more specific."
        prompt += "\nUse at most 5 words."
        hint = call_llm(prompt)
        print(f"\nHinter: Here's your hint - {hint}")
        return hint

    async def post_async(self, shared, prep_res, exec_res):
        if exec_res is None:
            return "end"
        await shared["guesser_queue"].put(exec_res)
        return "continue"

class AsyncGuesser(AsyncNode):
    async def prep_async(self, shared):
        hint = await shared["guesser_queue"].get()
        return hint, shared.get("past_guesses", [])

    async def exec_async(self, inputs):
        hint, past_guesses = inputs
        prompt = f"Given hint: {hint}, past wrong guesses: {past_guesses}, make a new guess. Directly reply a single word:"
        guess = call_llm(prompt)
        print(f"Guesser: I guess it's - {guess}")
        return guess

    async def post_async(self, shared, prep_res, exec_res):
        if exec_res.lower() == shared["target_word"].lower():
            print("Game Over - Correct guess!")
            await shared["hinter_queue"].put("GAME_OVER")
            return "end"
        if "past_guesses" not in shared:
            shared["past_guesses"] = []
        await shared["hinter_queue"].put(exec_res)
        return "continue"

async def main():
    # Set up game
    shared = {
        "target_word": "nostalgia",
        "forbidden_words": ["memory", "past", "remember", "feeling", "longing"],
        "hinter_queue": asyncio.Queue(),
        "guesser_queue": asyncio.Queue()
    print("Game starting!")
    print(f"Target word: {shared['target_word']}")
    print(f"Forbidden words: {shared['forbidden_words']}")

    # Initialize by sending empty guess to hinter
    await shared["hinter_queue"].put("")

    # Create nodes and flows
    hinter = AsyncHinter()
    guesser = AsyncGuesser()

    # Set up flows
    hinter_flow = AsyncFlow(start=hinter)
    guesser_flow = AsyncFlow(start=guesser)

    # Connect nodes to themselves
    hinter - "continue" >> hinter
    guesser - "continue" >> guesser

    # Run both agents concurrently
    await asyncio.gather(


The Output:

Game starting!
Target word: nostalgia
Forbidden words: ['memory', 'past', 'remember', 'feeling', 'longing']

Hinter: Here's your hint - Thinking of childhood summer days
Guesser: I guess it's - popsicle

Hinter: Here's your hint - When childhood cartoons make you emotional
Guesser: I guess it's - nostalgic

Hinter: Here's your hint - When old songs move you
Guesser: I guess it's - memories

Hinter: Here's your hint - That warm emotion about childhood
Guesser: I guess it's - nostalgia
Game Over - Correct guess!